Clinical trials are a fantastic way for people to take control of their own health. Not only can clinical trials help advance the future of medicine, but they’re also an opportunity to gain access to cutting-edge treatments that might not be available through conventional means.
For those who are eligible and willing, participating in a clinical trial offers patients the chance to improve their quality of life now while helping science discover better options for treating disease in the future. There are various patient recruitment agencies offering study volunteer opportunities for patients who are interested in seeking advanced therapies for rare and life-threatening diseases.
Choosing to participate in a clinical trial can be an intimidating decision for many, but if you are able to find out more information about the clinical trial you’re interested in, then this choice becomes much easier to make. Here are five things that every patient needs to know before they consider participating in a clinical trial.
1. Why Is This Study Taking Place?
The first thing you need to ask yourself before signing up for any clinical trial is why it’s happening in the first place. Is there an urgent need for better treatments or preventative measures? Has another trial gone especially well and led scientists to believe that this one will too (or vice versa)? Is it testing a brand-new drug, device, or therapy?
Understanding the purpose behind a study can help patients make more informed decisions and consider if this is really the right treatment for them.
2. Who’s Leading It?
Who’s leading or conducting the clinical trial matters as well — even if you don’t know anyone personally, knowing who will be overseeing your treatment can give you valuable insight into what to expect. Is it someone with years of experience in the field, or are they just starting out?
Do they have access to all the resources they need to conduct their research properly, or might they have to improvise along the way? Are there any conflicts of interest that need to be disclosed or taken into consideration? There are lots of questions that should be answered before participating in any clinical trial, and knowing who’s in charge can give you a better idea of what to expect.
3. Where Will the Trial Take Place?
Clinical trials generally happen at special research facilities or universities, but it’s still important for patients to know where they’ll be spending their days while taking part in them. Is the area familiar with conducting these kinds of procedures? Does it have all the necessary equipment and staff needed to get the job done properly?
Are there any potential risks involved with participating (like exposure to pathogens or toxins) that might make it dangerous to leave the testing site afterward? Knowing where your trial will take place is another way for people to make more informed decisions about their health care.
4. What Kind of Information Will I Be Giving Them?
Informed consent is a major part of clinical trials — it’s the process where volunteers learn as much as they possibly can about what taking part in the study entails. This requires study participants to read disclosures and ask any questions they might have before signing on to take part — which means knowing exactly what kind of information scientists will be asking them for ahead of time is important.
Are there any tests or procedures involved that might make them uncomfortable? Do scientists need a blood sample, or will you be providing urine instead? Is there anything else that needs to be done on their end to ensure study success? The more participants know before joining a clinical trial, the better chance they have at making an informed decision before joining.
5. What Are the Potential Benefits?

One of the biggest incentives for many people to join clinical trials is that they offer potential benefits where other types of treatments might not. While having access to cutting-edge health care can be one benefit, it’s not always what drives patients into these studies in the first place.
Doing good for others by participating in research is an incredibly noble goal, but make sure you know exactly what other kinds of benefits are at stake before taking part in any study. Is there a strong chance that your quality of life will improve if you take part? What about helping scientists learn more about this particular illness or condition? Knowing what kind of you’ll get out of trial participation helps people make better, more informed decisions about their health.
Although there are definitely a lot of potential benefits to participating in clinical trials, it’s still important for people to do their research and be as clear-headed as possible when thinking about joining them.
Doing your due diligence ahead of time can help patients make better choices that will improve their overall quality of life down the line, but only if they know exactly what they’re getting themselves into first!