5 Most Common Neurological Disorders and How to Address Them

Elder woman with Parkinson's

Neurological disorders are medical conditions affecting the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. These disorders can range from mild to life-threatening and can vary in severity. People should be aware of five common neurological disorders when managing their workforce. Here’s a look at these disorders, how they affect people, and how to approach them in the workplace.

Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is caused by the death of nerve cells in the brain which produce dopamine. This causes various symptoms such as tremors, stiffness, slowed movements, impaired balance and coordination, speech problems, fatigue, difficulty with writing, and more. To address Parkinson’s, it’s essential to be understanding of any slowdowns or reduced productivity that this condition may cause. Additionally, flexible working options such as telecommuting can help reduce stress levels for employees suffering from Parkinson’s.


Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by frequent seizures due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain. These seizures can range from short lapses of consciousness or muscle spasms to violent convulsions that cause loss of consciousness for up to several minutes at a time. Families should ensure that members who have epilepsy have access to medications or treatments necessary for controlling their seizures if needed. They should also ensure that all family members understand what to do if someone experiences an episode at work.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disorder where the body’s immune system attacks its healthy tissue–in this case attacking myelin sheaths around nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord which can lead to vision problems, muscle weakness, or paralysis on one side of the body, cognitive difficulties such as memory loss or difficulty concentrating, fatigue and depression among others.

Man with migraine


Migraines are recurrent headaches often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light, sound, or smell, among other symptoms depending on individual cases. To manage migraines, homes must provide adequate rest periods for affected individuals and ensure they have access to pain relief medications if needed during migraine episodes without feeling penalized for doing so. It would also help if homes provided dark rooms where employees could retreat during migraine episodes until their symptoms resolve.


A stroke is a medical emergency caused by blocked blood supply (ischemia) or bleeding (hemorrhage) in some brain regions, which affects certain nerve functions depending on where the stroke occurred. Stroke victims might experience paralysis on one side of the body, slurred speech, confusion, dizziness, headache, etc. To address stroke-related issues, people should provide ample flexibility for affected employees, allowing them time off when needed, and making changes, such as installing ramps, etc. People should also consider offering assistance services such as physical therapists or counselors specializing in stroke rehabilitation.

Treatments for The Disorders

While there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to treating neurological disorders, a variety of strategies can be used to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. Let’s take a look at some of these treatment options.

Health Aides

People with neurological disorders must be provided with suitable home health aides to ensure their needs are met appropriately. Assistance should be tailored for each individual and include help with daily routines such as dressing, bathing, eating, using the restroom, and other day-to-day tasks.


Medication is the most common form of treatment for neurological disorders. Depending on the condition, medications may be prescribed to reduce inflammation, control seizures, or improve muscle strength and coordination. In some cases, medication may also be used to help manage depression or anxiety. However, it’s essential to understand that medication alone is rarely enough to treat a neurological disorder completely; instead, it should be seen as one part of an overall treatment plan.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy plays a vital role in treating many neurological disorders. Physical therapists work with patients on exercises designed to strengthen muscles and improve coordination and balance. For example, patients with Parkinson’s disease may do activities designed to help them walk more easily. At the same time, those with multiple sclerosis may focus on improving their dexterity and range of motion. With physical therapy, patients can improve their mobility and reduce pain associated with their condition.


Psychotherapy is another vital component of treatment for many neurological disorders. This type of therapy focuses on helping patients adjust emotionally to their diagnosis by providing support and guidance as they learn new coping strategies. Psychotherapy can also address any underlying mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety, that may accompany a neurological disorder diagnosis.

Treating a neurological disorder requires a holistic approach that considers physical and emotional needs. Therefore, while medications are often necessary, they should only be seen as part of an overall treatment plan that includes physical therapy and psychotherapy. By combining all elements, patients can find the best way to manage their condition while still living fulfilling lives.

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