Quarantine Date Night Ideas That Foster Healthy Habits (and Build Skills)

date night

The global outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has caused an unprecedented upheaval of normal life unlike any other crises people have seen in their lifetimes. To prevent the spread of the novel disease, governments have implemented social distancing and shelter-in-place measures. As a result, couples are staying home more than ever.

But the struggles of balancing household responsibilities and the demands of working remotely have blurred the lines between crunch time and personal time. Some couples may go through the motions of day without really connecting with each other. But the feelings of stress and anxiety caused by the pandemic make emotional bonding even more important. It is during this uncertain time that couples need to strengthen their relationships, reassure each other of their commitment, and foster positivity.

Now, more than ever, is the time to adopt healthy habits and improve your relationship. One great way to keep the romance alive is having date nights. Here’s how you can spend healthy quality time with your special someone during the quarantine:

Getting Your Groove On

Dancing is one of the fun date night activities you can enjoy even with social distancing measures. If you have a passion for clubbing and the recent shelter-in-place orders are preventing you from dancing the night away outside, why not do it at home? You can transform your living room into an exciting dance floor by renting an audio system that can definitely raise the roof.

You and your partner can take turns being the DJ, and collaborating to make a rad, exciting playlist can help you improve communication and teamwork in your relationship. A great way to stay fit at home no matter your age, dancing also has several health benefits such as:

  • Enhanced muscular strength and tone
  • Stronger bones
  • Improved endurance and overall aerobic fitness
  • Better balance and spatial awareness that can lead to improved body coordination
  • Healthier heart and lungs
  • Improved self-esteem, psychological well-being, and mental functioning

Furthermore, dancing is different from other exercise routines wherein you need to set a certain amount of time and number of repetitions. A perfect date-night cardio workout, dancing the night away with your partner can do your body and soul good.

A Healthy, Romantic Dinner at Home

Japanese curry

Classic dinner dates tend to lean toward overindulgence. Deep fried dishes, buttered delights, overly sweet desserts, and generous servings of rather unhealthy food and drinks are often staples. While these delicious, heavy meals can make the night memorable, they can lead to heart disease and diabetes if done too much. More importantly, these unpleasant medical conditions also increase your risk factors for COVID-19.

If you want you and your partner to spend a long, healthy life together, it’s smart to build better eating habits. Preparing and cooking nutritious yet delicious meals for your romantic date night menu is the way to go. Research shows that associating a behavior with a positive event can increase the chances of it being repeated, eventually forming a good habit.

Game Night

There is something so satisfying in winning a game. If you have some board games lying around your house, it’s a great idea to have them ready for date night. Playing games has so many benefits for your and your partner’s emotional and mental health.

As the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine, and playing games can induce smiles and laughter all around. Laughter is also one of the simplest ways to help your body produce and release endorphins. These neurotransmitters reduce pain perception, which results in euphoric emotions that can effectively moderate stress and anxiety levels.

In addition, playing strategic games can improve several life skills, including creativity and problem-solving. They stimulate and sharpen the mind, improve your memory and cognition, and can delay the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Online games that require teamwork are good, too. Team-based games help you and your special someone find healthier ways to work together, resolve conflict, rise from defeat, and arrive at winning solutions.

Quality Time Away from Social Media

Social media has a lot of upsides, but it also has its risks. Research has shown that excessive use of social media can wreck your mental and physical health. It can lead to addiction and feelings of jealousy and worthlessness. It also triggers delusions and more sadness.

Whatever you do on your date night, make sure to focus on your partner. Keep devices away that can disrupt your bonding time. Make it a habit to avoid checking your work email or your DMs. It’s not only about improving social etiquette in the digital age; it’s also about learning to set boundaries for personal time and space. Plus, your partner will be grateful for the full attention you’re giving them.

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