Simple Home Upgrades that Make a Lasting Impression

home improvement

The warmer seasons call for home improvement. There are things that you can do yourself if you are creative enough. Yet, even if you need the help of a contractor, you can turn your house into your dream space. If you’re looking for ways to make a change in your space, here are some ideas that will spark your interest in home improvement.

1. Paint your home

A fresh coat of paint makes a lot of difference. Whether you plan to make your exteriors look better, or you want to have cleaner walls on the inside, a paint job is never a miss. However, exterior painting will require reapplication from time to time if you want your home to look its best.

Your colors do not have to be single-toned. Some apply two-toned schemes to show different parts of the house. This also works even in your exteriors.

2. Upgrade your flooring

Your floors could be due for an upgrade. If you are thinking about making your floors look better without replacing them altogether, try floor sanding and restoration for your hardwood floors. Sanding can help get rid of surface damages and stains that have developed over time. You don’t need new floors for your home to look brand new.

You can also try concrete staining or stamping if your home has concrete floors. The polished finish will look great for your patio, driveway, or living area.

3. Change up your lights

home lights

When talking about home improvement, most people focus on furniture and other costly repairs. However, changing up your lights can change the mood of your home. Updated lighting can make your home’s atmosphere better, whether you do it indoor or outdoor.

You can start by changing the lights in your study area or your living room. Opt for energy-saving options so you can save money on electric bills. Some take lighting up a notch by installing motion sensors so that lights are turned off when no one is in the room.

4. Add an accent wall

Adding an accent wall is a cost-effective way to improve your space. Although plain white walls are classy, adding a colorful and textured wall can turn your simple room into a modern space. Try to experiment with patterns and textures. If you’re on a tighter budget, try peel-and-stick wallpapers.

5. Take your stairs to the next level


The stairs are usually the last part of the home that gets an overhaul. However, the stairs are not just a plain fixture. You can make it look more chic, creative, and more you. For one, you can polish your wooden stairs. Others would opt for tile-like or patterned stair decals for added style. If you’re not so sure about designs, you can go for fresh paint instead.

6. Add more storage

More storage means less clutter. Even if you do not clean your home often, having enough storage space can help you keep your space organized. Keep your books and other items in a nice cabinet so you won’t always have to organize your living room. You can also add more storage in your kitchen so you can sort your dishes, spices, and cookware nicely.

7. Switch your knobs

A great way to update your doors and cabinets is to replace your knobs. It’s easy, and you can do it yourself. These add a personal touch to your home design. You can go for stylish knobs for your pantry.

8. Install security systems


Knowing that your home is safe from unwanted attacks makes you sleep at night. One of the things to prioritize as you make changes around the house is to install security systems. While you can change knobs and locks easily, you can install surveillance cameras, alarms, and other devices to help keep you and your family safe.

9. Clean your carpets

Carpets are a living room staple. Even if you try to flip your carpet to show its good side, the way you maintain it is a reflection of your home’s condition. You would not want to scare off your guests with your dirty-looking carpet. For a small amount, you can have your carpet professionally cleaned. Cleaning it will be easy in the eyes. It can also get rid of allergens like dust, mold, and mildew.

10. Add storage systems on your entryway

Some clutters should be stopped as your guests enter. Have a bag and hat rack, a shoe cabinet, or a multi-purpose shelf for your clutter. You can also add hooks for your keys so you won’t misplace them around the house.

Home improvement is a must. However, these upgrades do not have to be pricey. While other tasks require professional help, you can do some of these by yourself.

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