Top Bathroom Remodel Considerations

bath room

Like any home improvement project of this scale, it’s important to have a plan for your bathroom remodel even before you begin. There are a lot of considerations that can make or break your project, with lasting consequences that you will likely have to live with for a long time. If you want a beautiful, functional, and value-adding remodel, here are a few pointers that can help.


One of, if not, the most important considerations when doing a major overhaul of your bathroom is the plumbing. This is either your chance to drastically improve it or this can be a disaster waiting to happen.

The first thing to think about is whether you need to relocate plumbing fixtures like the toilet. If the answer is yes, be prepared for a more complex and time-consuming remodel. Moving the toilet, for example, involves refitting pipes and it will also cause disruption to your daily activities since the toilet will be out of commission for the duration of the job.

You could always also get professionals to do this bit for you. Hiring residential or commercial plumbers, depending on whether you’re remodeling your home or place of business, will save you a ton of time, work, and worries.

You can also decide to upgrade plumbing fixtures like showerheads, faucets, bidets, and more. You can also hire a professional to do this, or just take on the project yourself if you have the time.


Another big item on your remodel is the bathroom cabinetry. Bathroom cabinets are among the most used storage spaces in the home. This means, depending on the materials used on your current model, they may now be showing signs of wear and tear. Consider updating your cabinetry.

There are several materials that can work well here. You can choose solid wood, plywood, MDF, or even particle boards. These are the more common choices. But you have to understand that wood expands and contracts depending on the changes in temperature and humidity. Some are even prone to cracking and warping over time.

PVC is growing in popularity these days as a material of choice for bathroom cabinets. These plastics are virtually waterproof and very cheap. You’d be giving up the wood feel and aesthetic, however. Talk to your local suppliers and weigh your options.

bathroom interior


Whether you want to outsource this part to an architect or an interior designer or you want to try your hand at designing your new bathroom, there are also some factors to consider.

Space is an increasingly valuable asset now and it will be in your best interest to make the most of the space that’s available to you. This means that adjustments to both your plumbing fixtures and cabinetry must still take into account the ergonomics and functionality of your bathroom. You have to make sure that these changes complement each other and allow people to freely move around in the bathroom.

Some opt for traditional bathroom designs with lavish fixtures and detailed fittings. Some choose the more modern, minimalist aesthetics that cut down on fixtures. Many opt for somewhere in between. Make the choice and make sure it reflects on the bathroom remodel design.


Although bathroom remodels play a more subtle role compared to kitchen overhauls, it would be a mistake to be complacent about it. Do your due diligence well and go through the considerations detailed in this article. Hire professionals when you need to but also always stay on top of the project. Set a realistic budget and timeline for the entire project and make sure you stick to it. Here are a few tips from the Washington Post to keep remodel costs down.

Bathroom remodels are exciting and rewarding once you iron out plans for the plumbing, cabinetry, and overall design.

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